Thursday, December 18, 2008

Deb Needs....

My friend Sarah found my blog site and so in turn i popped in on hers and read her latest post. It sounded like fun so i tried it...You are supposed to go to Google and then type in your name and then add needs after it to see what you need for the holidays. (make sure to put your name and needs in quotes ~ makes results a little easier to decipher - ie. "Deb needs" )I did it and got a good laugh about my results :)
Deb needs to work to be free.
Hmm, you mean what I do every day with four kids isn't considered work? And if I worked outside the home I could be free? Wow...let me consider this one, hehe.
Deb needs a desk.
Hmm, nope, I really, really like my desk that I have.
Deb needs healing.
Well my body is feeling kind of old and any healing to take away those early morning aches and pains would be welcomed :)
Deb needs help-got in trouble.
Well...I sure hope not. At the moment the only trouble I have is trying to remember if I did all I was supposed to do today and if i did forget something I hope it won't be too serious, lol.
Deb needs our prayers.
Well I am always up for help from any source. No I haven't been good about attending church this year and yes I will fix that in the new year. I promise!!
Deb needs a professional evaluation.
This might be a tad scary haha. I know I have many faults but to have someone who is certified to tell me what they are? Nah...i'll pass thanks :)
Deb needs a revelation when a grisly axe murderer kills a man and demolishes his computer.
and last but not least...
Deb needs a gun.
Hmm, well if you say so. We are in the USA, lol. I'll admit I have thought from time to time about wishing I had one while I followed one of those out of state cars on the freeway going 1/3 of the posted speed limit. I'm sure my kids have picked up a few choice phrases from me which i certainly hope they forget...nope not gunna happen, lol.
Well that was fun and educational at times hehe and I only listed the first few. Give it a shot and see what you need for the holidays.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hehe...I think I laughed more at your results than I did at mine!