Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Honor Choir!

At the start of the school year Emily's music teacher asked her if she wanted to be in the honor choir at school. She came home very excited and we were very proud of her for getting asked. Of course we said, go for it! I don't call the melodious harmonies(yeah right!!) that come out of my mouth as singing, so she couldn't have gotten this from me. Jason on the other hand does have a very nice voice but doesn't sing that often.

What really makes us proud is that she is deaf in her right ear and yet still has a beautiful voice. We found that out when she had her kindergarten screening tests. It completely blew us out of the water and apparently it was herditary and she has had it since birth. She is the only one of our kids born in Canada and up there they don't check the hearing like they do down here in the US. Anyway...she hasn't known any different and you wouldn't know it to talk to her and it's pretty amazing listening to her sing.

The honor choir practices early in the morning on Tuesdays before school, much to Jason's joy, lol. (he is the one who takes the kids to school in the morning~luckily we only live five mins from the school)

The honor choir had their first concert of the year for the parents/families this past week and they sang Christmas songs and some others which were some of their favorites.

They ordered the kids choir golf shirts and they came in the day before the concert and as you can tell from the photo Emily's was a tad too big :) (Better too big than small in my opinion.)

Long and short, it was a beautiful concert and she did a wonderful job!!


Steph Thomas said...

Way to go Emmy. She will have to sing the songs for us when we are there NEXT WEEK!!!

Sarah said...

Hey Deb, I remembered you mentioning that you had a blog so I googled you...hope you don't mind. :)

I was so happy for Alyssa that she was asked to be in the choir too, and even more so that she wanted to be in it. She's my little singer. Rylie on the other hand does NOT like to sing. I was in choir in HS and loved it and really want Alyssa to enjoy it as well.