Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Diamondbacks!!

Hudson's coach pitch baseball team this season is called ironically enough, The Diamondbacks.
This new league they play in is pretty nice. They play on regulation fields and play regular baseball rules with the only exception is that the boys each get eight pitches to hit the ball which their coach tosses to them. Hudson's coaches are a great group of guys, most of whom played college baseball and now have kids of their own. He seems to be having fun and is getting pretty good!!

Number 11 this season!!

You can see him just rounding first.

He sure loves baseball :) Half the games are played at night under the lights and the other half are daytime games on Saturday mornings. The kids feel pretty cool about playing under the big lights like "real baseball players."

Emily, Max and Jason watching Hudson play baseball.

Hudson getting ready to make a really nice hit out over short stop into center field!!

Tori and Max

Tori and Max!!
These guys are good buddies. If one of them is in trouble you can bet the other had a hand in it somehow. Tori is the one who gets Max up from his nap when he wakes up and bangs on his door...yeah he does this. He lays on the floor on his back and then places his feet up on the door and then proceeds to kick the door until someone comes to let him out!! Nine times out of ten it is Tori who always asks, "Can I let Maxy out?" usually as she is in the process of opening his door. She will go into his room and you can hear her saying, "Hi Maxy. Did you have a good nap?" Then sometimes I'll hear..."Mom!! Max is poopy!" haha.
When she is at preschool he seems kind of lost. When he knows its time to go get her he starts babbling away. You can catch the odd "Tori, bye bye car" in his mile a minute ramblings!!

Big Shoes To Fill

Max has a thing about shoes. Especially his Dad's. In my opinion if he is half as wonderful as his Dad is when he is older then he is a very lucky boy. Jase is a great husband and wonderful father and we are blessed to have him in our lives.

Seeing Max with these shoes reminds me we need to get Jase some new ones!!! Max will bring Jase his shoes and pass them to him and then say "thank you" expecting him to say thanks for being so thoughtful!!! He's a cute and funny little guy.

Tori's First Day at Preschool

Miss Tori's first day of preschool FINALLY arrived! She was so excited for this day to come. She was excited to use her new backpack and made sure her crocs matched her new dress! She is definately my little girly girl. Always concerned with what she is wearing but at the same time she is diving off furniture and playground equipment and beating up on her big brother. She is however, super sweet with Max and I think the two of them have a special bond. He gets so excited when she sees him and him likewise.

We are in the Littlest Pet Shop phase. Apparently Dora is now too young for her....sigh.

Hudson's Bowling Party

Hudson wanted to have a bowling party for his birthday this year so we looked into it and found that the nearest place for bowling was in Gilbert! (20 mins away) Three of his friends were able to make it and they had a blast!! It was moonlight bowling which means that the lights are off and the pins glow and the balls take on really cool colors (black light magic!)

About half way thru the party our party host came out with ballons and made the kids balloon swords and then it became a zoo. Hudson and his friends were attacking each other and chasing each other all over the place (much to Jason's attempts to control them...i think he went home more tired from the party than the kids did) Somehow, i'm not sure how, all of the balloons except for Max's survived. Max bit his and it exploded in his mouth :( Hudson and Nikki are good friends and have been in the same class for the past few years and they also played baseball together. Nikki is like one of the guys and reminds me so much of me when i was young. Definately not a girly girl!!

Emily's best friend Sarah just changed schools and to say the two girls were devestated would be an understatement. So we told Emmy that she could invite Sarah to the party. Right after Hudson's party however, Sarah was celebrating her birthday party and Jason dropped them both off at Sarah's. (I had a hair appt right after the party...yep it was a busy day!) Emmy ended up begging me to be allowed to stay the night at Sarah's, and reluctantly i said okay. It was her first sleep over. Jase and I both talked to her the next day and told her of he and I's first sleep over experiences. My dad had to come get me because i was crying (urgh) and Jase ended up walking home from his party because his friend was being mean. Jase said Harv met him half way home walking on the street. We made sure to tell her that neither of our parents were mad, they all knew the risks involved with sleep overs :) We told her the fact that she made it all night without calling us to come get her made her more brave than Jason or I and I think she was pretty stoked with this. She did admit later that she did cry a little but it was in the dark and no one knew, hahaha.

Spongebob birthday cake!!

Tori :) She is hilarious when she bowls. Her balls roll sooooo slowly and we are amazed when she gets strikes. She has fun though so that is what is important!!

All in all it was a really fun day and between the laser show and cool music, bowling in the dark, balloon swords and good friends and family it was a great experience. We will definately have a party there again, it was very reasonable (cheaper than Chuck E Cheese) and all inclusive!!