Monday, March 22, 2010

Christmas PJ's

Every year the kids get to open a pair of Christmas pajamas after we get home from the Temple and Sonic. The ones this year were really cute!! They were all so excited to get to bed so that they could be asleep when 'the big guy' made his visit.
The only sucky part about this year was that we had to give Emm the speach about 'what is real and what is not' it was so sad :( We told her that if she blew the lid on it for any of the others her presents go back!!! So far so good :)


Steph Thomas said...

I love this tradition. We just started that this year! YAY! I even went for far as to get Chris and I some as well since I really wanted some new ones and they were really cheap on black Friday.

Unknown said...

Ohhh good idea. Maybe next year I will get Jase and I some too!! I love starting traditions with my family. As they get older it seems to get more fun :)