Monday, March 16, 2009

Tori Gets Chopped :)

Just like her big sister Tori decided that she would donate her hair to Locks of Love.
She understood that her pony tail would go to kids who had lost their hair for many different reasons and that her hair would help make wigs for them to feel special and like every other kid out there :)
She was excited since she had watched me do Emmy's hair and liked the end result. Even though her hair looks longer than Emm's we actually only took the required ten inches off of hers instead of the twelve inches that we took off of Emily's.



Wow, all that gorgeous blonde hair gone :(
It is such a pretty color. I am just hoping that one of my kids will keep Jason's beautiful blonde hair into adulthood. Emm's hair has already changed to a darker color like mine. Hudson on the other hand is opposite. Each year his hair keeps getting lighter and lighter. Weird...
We will mail off their pony tails this week.
I am really proud of my girls and hope that this selfless act that they did will be one of the many that they do throughout their lives.

1 comment:

Kyle said...

Samantha did locks of love about a year ago! I love that they understand at such a young age!! I love Tori's cute!