Friday, January 9, 2009

Tori's Preschool Takes A Tour Of Grandpa's Hospital

A group of friends and I team teach preschool together for our kiddos and each month one of us is responsible for a field trip. This month was mine, so I figured hey...I have some connections, why not see if Harv (the kids Grandpa/Jase's dad) can arrange a tour of his hospital for the kids. Sure enough Grandpa came through with flying colors and the kids were treated to an amazing tour of Arizona Spine and Joint Hospital which Harv and several doctors created and built several years ago.
The kids got to see every part of the hospital!! The patient rooms, the kitchen (where they got a chocolate chip cookie from the chef!!), the x-ray machines, the boiler rooms, the bathrooms(of course) and the best of all was the operating room!! The kids all had to wear masks, hats and booties since it was rsv season. Usually kids aren't allowed in the hospital during rsv season but since we had an 'in' we were able to take the tour as long as the kids kept their masks on!

The kids getting some candy out of the drug machine from one of the pharmacists. They thought that was pretty cool :)

Learning about the hospital from Heather who was our tour guide. Each of the kids received a name tag with their picture on it just like everyone else at the hospital wears!!!!

Heather helping Tori hear her own heartbeat.

Max in one of Grandpa's O.R's.
The kids all received a patient bag full of candy, a water bottle, hat, wet wipes, sanitizer and so much more to take with them when they went. I'll bet the kids will be talking about that tour for a long time to come. I know my kids sure are. If I had been thinking I would have pulled Emm and Hudson out of school so they could come on the tour as well but I was a responsible mom!!!


Steph Thomas said...

WOW!!! That is SO cool. What a great idea. How fun. I would love to do that for our preschool but I think the plane tickets would be a little out of our budget for the month.

Kyle said...

What a fun field trip!