Monday, November 10, 2008

An Afternoon At The Beach!

Our first afternoon in San Diego we had a chance to head down to the beach which was only about 500yards from our hotel. The tide was out a ways and the kids got to play in the waves and the sand. They collected sea shells and drew pictures in the sand. The water was pretty cool but the soothing sound of the waves made you forget that your feet were a little chilly. At one point Hudson and Tori were running in the water and they lost their balance and they each took a head dive into one of the waves. They thought it was pretty fun and wanted to change into their bathing suits to dive in the waves. We said no for the time being hoping that we would get back to the beach but we ended up running out of time and this ended up being our only time at the beach. Hudson drew a picture of a little man and about five seconds after I took the photo a wave came in and made it disappear. He was kind of heart broken!
We all had an incredible time and can't wait until we can go back and stroll along the beach again, hopefully soon!!!

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