Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tori and Max

Tori and Max!!
These guys are good buddies. If one of them is in trouble you can bet the other had a hand in it somehow. Tori is the one who gets Max up from his nap when he wakes up and bangs on his door...yeah he does this. He lays on the floor on his back and then places his feet up on the door and then proceeds to kick the door until someone comes to let him out!! Nine times out of ten it is Tori who always asks, "Can I let Maxy out?" usually as she is in the process of opening his door. She will go into his room and you can hear her saying, "Hi Maxy. Did you have a good nap?" Then sometimes I'll hear..."Mom!! Max is poopy!" haha.
When she is at preschool he seems kind of lost. When he knows its time to go get her he starts babbling away. You can catch the odd "Tori, bye bye car" in his mile a minute ramblings!!


Kyle said...

Hi Deb! I'm glad you found my blog now we can keep in touch! Where are you living these days?

The Thomas Crew said...

Hey Kyle. We are on the borders of Mesa and Gilbert. Sossaman and Guadalupe. Where are you guys at?