The kids were outside with me helping (a little until they got bored, haha) weed the yard and cut the grass and it was sooo hot outside (112 degrees) that i looked at them and said, "Do you guys want one of those small plastic pools?" Of course they said sure. So i changed my t-shirt and threw them in the car and off we went to Target to see if they had those little kiddie pools or a cool sprinkler or something.
When we found the pool section we were surprised to see that it was all marked as clearance...and at the time it was mid July. Apparently mid July in Arizona is considered off season for pools and accessories according to the sales clerk. I about laughed and looked through what they had. They had this one pool that was about the size of a 15 foot circular tramploline for 70% off. I couldn't argue with the price so i bought it instead of a little kiddie pool.
It is 15 feet wide and is made of thick pool vinyl, the top circular ledge is inflated with air, so it just floats on top of the water. It was amazingly easy to put up and so far has not required a whole lot of maintenance other than the usual pool chemicals and filter cleanings. It is a lot easier to take care of than our big in ground pool at our old house. It is only 29 inches deep so its shallow enough for Max to walk around in it.
The kids love it and it cools them off. Whenever the water gets too warm we just grab an ice block from the store and throw it in and it cools it down a bit. It packs up easily and when it cools off down here in say November, we can take it down and store it in the garage for a few months and then put it up probably after Christmas...hahaha. Actually last January it was 90 degrees so who knows!!
Tori being a goofball and Hudson being an even bigger one!
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