Saturday, February 9, 2008

Max's First Birthday!!

"Say cheese!" in your lovely Elmo birthday hats guys!!

Max and his birthday hat!

The kids and Grandpa playing on our new airhockey table.

Max made a grab for the candle and then the cupcakes and writing!

Our baby is one! We can hardly believe that a year has passed by and Max turned one today. We had a nice dinner with Jason's parents and his brother Tyler. The kids picked out an Elmo birthday cake made out of cupcakes for him. He really seemed to love the cupcakes he had and ended up mixing a red and yellow one to make a nice orange mess. It was a really nice party and we hope that Max had as much fun as we all did celebrating his special day.

1 comment:

Steph Thomas said...

Wow, I can't believe he is one year old. I wish Matthew got to live closer to grandparents to share special events with but oh well.