The Gila Valley LDS Temple had an open house for the public before its temple dedication on May 23, 2010 so we took the kids up to see what the inside of the temple looks like.
They see us going to the temple all the time and we always go to the Christmas lights during the holidays as well as some weekend afternoons we take the kids down for a walk around the temple grounds.
It was a two and a half hour drive up to Pima AZ but it was a very pretty one. Neither Jason or I had travelled that way before so it was a new experience for all of us.
Once we got there, we watched a video and then they walked us all over to the temple so we could walk through.
The kids thought it was neat to put the booties on before going in. Tori said it was just like when we took her preschool on a field trip to Grandpa's hospital.
It was beautiful inside and the chandelier in the Celestial room was awe inspiring.
It was a small temple in comparison to the Mesa temple, but it was beautiful as well.
Max thought the font with the twelve oxen holding it up was pretty neat. He wanted to go 'swimming' in the font, haha.
It was a great tour and then we went over to the Stake center for cookies and water.
While taking this photo it was obviously dark and i was walking in the middle of a famer's field and not paying attention to where i was walking and fell into an irrigation ditch. I ended up landing on my left hand and i felt something pop in my hand around my pinky and i still cant move it very well but oh well, it will heal :) My shoe went flying and i took a total header. I guess back in the car Emm shouted to Jason, "Dad, Mom fell in a hole!" He looked down and didnt see me and was like, What the heck...!!!!
I crawled my way back out and back to the truck and dusted myself off. I hurt but I was more glad that it was dark and hopefully no one else saw my terribly 'graceful' moment, haha.
It was a long drive home and the kids watched the Tooth Fairy on the laptop. We discovered that Max gets terribly car sick if he watched a movie and Tori got a bit queasy herself.
No throwing up but super super close!!!
It was a wonderful evening and we are glad that we went.
Emily and I attended the temple dedication ceremony at our stake center. Hudson and Jase were going to come as well but Hudson ended up having some breathing problems and Jason offered to stay home with him.
What a wonderful blessing this new temple is!!