Max's second birthday party was a lot of fun. Jason's parents came over for dinner and since Max wasn't really old enough to choose his meal of choice we made it for him!!
We had taco salad and man was it good :)
Jason's brother Shaun was in town and was able to come as well. It was so great to see him and the kids had a total blast spending time with their Uncle Shaun.
Emily and Hudson trying to light the cake!
Max was having a hard time blowing out the candles so Mom helped him. I was being dramatic in showing him how to blow the candles out and
Jason just managed to get this 'wonderful' shot, urgh!! haha
Max opening his presents. This one was from Nana and Papa.
Max is really into puppies and cars and ever since his birthday he sleeps with his puppy blanket and pillow.
For his other presents he received a cool letter magnet and desk set from Gram and Grandpa, a Cars play mat for his cars and trucks from his brother and sisters, a car carrying case and a cool huge semi truck with a car that shoots out of it from Mom and Dad.
He also received some cool cards from the rest of the family!!
Uncle Shaun on Hudson's scooter!! He and Hudson were zooming around the kitchen and family room chasing each other with Cooper running behind them barking the whole time!! The kids think Uncle Shaun is really 'cool' :)
Max and Grandpa! Max has a thing for Grandpa's new truck. He always loves to sit in the drivers seat!! He definately is Grandpa's little buddy. Who knows, maybe Max will turn out to be a car lover just like his Grandpa!!!