On May 10th not only did we celebrate Tyler's graduation from the police academy but we also celebrated his birthday which was on May 7th. We had some great food and had a nice visit with everyone. The kids went for a swim before dinner to help cool off since I think summer has officially started in the AZ desert...urgh.
Ty's cake!!
Since a lot of our family and friends don't live nearby, we figured this might be a great idea to keep people updated on what is up with our family! We will try our best to keep you all updated on all of our latest adventures!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Uncle Tyler graduates from the Police Academy!!
Uncle Tyler graduated from the police academy and we had a party for him on May 10th at Harv and Wendy's. Shaun came in for the festivities and Sue and Jim (friends of the family) came and celebrated with us as well. There was a ceremony on Friday morning and then another Friday night(which Jase was able to attend on behalf of our family) where he was presented with his badge. Harv was actually allowed to pin the badge on Tyler which Jason said was really neat!
Tyler was nice and put on his entire uniform on Saturday so that the kids could see him in his full gear. Scottsdale's colors are tan instead of the dark blue like the other departments in the Phoenix/Mesa etc areas. Hudson really had a thing for Tyler's hand cuffs and his 'beat stick'.
Our crew with the new cop!(just for the record i hate this photo, urgh)
Hudson's Musical Presentation
Hudson's first grade class and the four other first grade classes at Boulder Creek Elementary had an Egyptian musical presentation called Temples and Tombs where they sang a bunch of songs along with actions. They each made their own costumes in their classrooms and Hudson was very proud of his. Harv and Wendy came and watched Hudson's presentation and they thought he did very well. Harv was especially impressed by how well the music teacher did in getting all of those kids to sign the songs together and what a great preformance it was. Emily said she was kind of bored since she had already seen the preformance earlier that day at school when his class had done their presentation for the lower grades.
Crazy hat day!
At certain times during the school year the kids have dress up days at their school. This week was a variety of days, two of those being Crazy Hat day and Hawaiian days. We had been at the party store picking up Emily's party supplies a month or so earlier and she had seen this bright mardi gras hat and had asked at the time if she could get it for crazy hat day. I had said yes, thinking she would forget about it but like most kids, they have a mind like an elephant when its something they really want. So, off we went to the party store and Emily got her hat and Hudson saw this huge sombrerro and wanted it for his hat. Seems kind of ironic since a lot of the kids in his class are Mexican, but none the less, he wanted that hat and it was cheap, another plus!! The kids made sure that i took some pictures of them in their new duds.
Our dance diva
Both Emily and Tori have been taking dance and they both seem to love it. Tori's class is a combination of tap, ballet and gymnastics. She loves to wear the frilly foofy dance outfits. She is definately a girly girl which I seriously know absolutely nothing about. Although she does have her wild tom boy side as well so i can relate a bit with her there!!
Emily takes tap a combined tap and jazz dance class on Saturday mornings and then on Thursday nights she takes a musical theater class. The kid has a amazing voice which is great since she is 98% deaf in her right ear. The doctor told us that we shouldn't be surprised by that since she hasn't know any different since it was a herditary thing she was born with. Either way, i think she inherited her beautiful voice from Jason's mom. She has a wonderful voice!
When Emm goes to dance class she wears leggings, cut off sweat pants and comfy work out clothes, so different from the princess gear Tori wears.
They both seem to be having a great time and are both looking forward to their recital that they will have in June.
The airport!
The day that Nana and Papa were to leave the kids had school but Deb thought that it was a special enough occasion for them to get to have a 'sick day' and come with Deb to the airport to drop them off. We usually only see them twice a year so...
When we got to the airport it wasn't too busy and Hudson was looking at the suitcase weigh scale very intently so the ticket agent asked him if he wanted to be weighed. He of course said sure and luckily I had my camera to capture the moment. The other kids thought it was pretty neat except for Emm who wasn't all that sure about it!!
Hudson on the airport scale...should we send him off to Canada too? (somedays the answer is a definate yes!)
Easter :)
The Easter Bunny made a visit at our house and as usual the kids got spoiled.
That evening Deb and Jan made a nice Easter dinner and as usual we all ate way too much!
Max and his eggs from his Easter egg hunt.
Nana and Papa's Visit
Okay so i officially suck at the blog thing!! I haven't updated it in two months and we have had a lot of things happen in that time!!
Deb's parents came for a visit during the kids spring break and everyone seemed to have a good time. We played games, went to the zoo and Papa even had a chance to go and see one of Hudson's baseball practices. While they were down here we also had a chance to see Papa's uncle Dave and his wife Gwen and go out to dinner with them. The last time Deb had seen him was when she was around Emily's age. The kids got a kick out of seeing their mom called "Little Debbie".
It was a fun visit even though Max got sick and we had to lay low for a few days.
The kids with Nana after their bath waiting for Papa to bbq the steaks for dinner!
Emily with Nana and Papa playing on our new air hockey table.
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